Thanks to Ah Yi, we get to visit and stay in
Hard Rock Hotel! And now, we're lucky enough to visit Universal Studios Singapore (USS)!

It was hard to believe a proper theme park is here in Singapore. Escape Theme Park? Heard of it, but I never thought of going there at all.
Not a frequent news reader, the soft opening of USS was actually brought up by Ah Yi. So yeah, only for today it's open to the public for free! *excited*
Since we're already there for the hotel stay, how could we miss out such a golden opportunity? LET'S GO!



Under the globe, the world, I'm just a tiny being.

Heck, just when I was deeply attracted by Woody a long queue was formed. We came pretty early so the long queue was actually behind us. *lol*

Yup we're in! Stepped into the first zone, Hollywood. I believe the structures and buildings here are Hollywood-style?

WAHHH! Terrifying pair of dueling roller coaster aka Battlestar Galactica: Human vs. Cylon!

Ah Ma and Ah Yi. ;)

Considering this burger able to feed 2 mouths, the pricing should be okay...
Towards the front is New York zone. access ends here! We are restricted from going any further. To the right is New York, to the left is Madagascar.
This Monster Rock definitely caught my attention. O_O

The finale of their soft opening - fireworks! Patiently waited for an hour, in exchange for a 4 mins and 30 secs of fireworks. Hmm...
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