Hehe I'm back from SPP Club event! The location for this event was Chinatown. I had a lot of fun there, the seniors especially, they're certainly a group of friendly peers to hangout with!

Piping hot weather + red qipao = Extreme heat!

Front view of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple. It's an amazing structure!

We decided to loiter around this area and take some photos. As I was having fun snapping with the camera, I got a feeling that people are thinking we're some kinda tourists from somewhere...Haha!

Richard took a snapshot of me while I was meddling with his DSLR! My expression was like...looking at some R-rated photos...

Some photos taken around Sri Mariammam Temple.

Group photos at the end, this event was a successful one! I'm looking forward to the next one! :)
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