Photo of the team in the afternoon shift. It was Suzy last day with us as well.

Going for supper...again!
The people in Studios Store was packed like a can of sardines, with wormy long queues at every Point of sale (POS). Much to my dislike, I was assigned to be on POS duty at Zone 1. Despite I had on-the-job training previously, nothing beats the real deal on the actual day. I was extremely nervous and nothing seems to go smooth-right. On numerous occasions I had no choice but to apologetically seek help from my colleague (who also had her hands full with the customers), which she got a little annoyed but I totally understand that. I told myself, no matter how long the queue is, it will still end as time goes by.
On my Day 1, I had a taste of the ugly side of human-beings. Some people were just so impatient and giving off that high and mighty attitude. They spare no effort to lash out their anger at you for their unhappiness gotten elsewhere, a frontline staff who is just doing his job. It was upsetting to encounter such disgusting behaviours from these people and they easily spoil your entire day!
After my first day of cashiering duty, I was exhausted and defeated. After deducting the float I had from the start, I informed my supervisor the balance on my hand. "No, it isn't correct. You have a discrepancy of $113.70", she said. I was pretty shocked to be honest, as this involves money! "Do I have to pay back?" goes through my head. I must have gave the wrong change to the customer or pressed something I shouldn't press on the POS machine. Thereafter, I need to fill in a form to declare the outstanding/discrepancy amount. This form, I have filled it 3 times at the beginning. Comparing with my peers who started at the same point as me, I wish I was them...who made no mistakes.
As a sales associate, besides cashiering duty you also do sales. For sales, you are responsible for replenishing stocks at the shop floor and of course, assist and greet any customers who enter the store. Initially when I did replenishment, I frequently go in and out of our "backstage" to take 1-2 items. Suspecting this is an inefficient way, my store manager told us to write down what are the items that require topping up at the shop floor, before coming in. It saves a lot of time but the point is, she wanted us to focus more on the customers rather than "avoiding" them by going in and out of the "backstage" just to take 1 item.

A photo with Eileen

A photo with Joyce

A photo with Cheryl

A photo with Zulaikha

A photo with Jhelai

A photo with Gabby
It wasn't long before I got comfortable working with the first and original team in the store. As time passes by, countless people from full-time to part-time staff, and interns from local and overseas, come and go.

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